Saturday, March 17, 2012

Am I in the Air of Love???

Salam dan selamat petang everyone!
Dah update sekali blog, nak banyak pulak entry kan?
OK nevermind about it.
My topic for today is Love.
Well love tak semestinya pada kekasih, tetapi jugak pada keluarga, kawan, dan
yang paling penting sekali cinta pada Allah dan Para Rasul kan
Actually tue intro je pasal cinta but the truth is I am not sure my feelings towards someone
And never expect to be happen!
Tak tahu kenapa ade perasaan macam suke pulak kat 'dia'
Still now I am wondering why I like him and macam tak masuk akal kalau orang tahu

 Feeling-feeling camni la kott

 Love is in the air~weee

If the truth is positive, then I will be smiling much like this :-)

My friends did say that it is okay for you to like him
But for me, there is something wrong coz I am totally avoid and prevent for being in love right now!
Sapela kita sbg manusia nak menidakkan perasaan tue kalau Allah dah tentukan ye tak?
It's a bit annoying nak cerita pasal perasaan dalam blog
Mesti org tgk n bace ckp 'gedik la minah ni' and 'mesti kes syok sendiri nieh'
Terpulangla pada org nak ckp ape tp at least tulis kat blog is better than facebook kan
Facebook lagi la semua kawan-kawan nampak n baca
At least blog tak semua bace n teringat nak bace

Back to the story, well I do hope he didn't realize my feelings towards him
Memang sgt malu kalau dia tau and everybody else pon tahu jugak nanti
But deep inside my heart, I do hope a miracle will happen soon or later.

OKay guys need to catch up with my studies for test and exam is just around the corner!
Bye and good luck for those yg ambik exam jugak! :-)
Salam and take care!~

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